Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Ceremony of Committal

A Ceremony of Committal

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences,
woven together using my own words
and sometimes adapting the words others have used:
I am indebted to their wisdom.

Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in large bold type.

Opening Words and Prayer:
For everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die;
a time to mourn and a time to dance. (from Ecclesiastes 3)

We meet here today because N has died and the life we shared with her has come to an end. This is a time of loss and sadness, but it can also be a time of thankfulness, as we remember N’s life and all she means to us and shared with us. Death does not bring to an end N’s influence, nor the love and respect in which she is held: these will continue to be powerful for as long as she is remembered. The sadness and pain that we feel is because N has crossed over the boundary between the life God gives us in this world and the new life beyond death, which lies beyond our seeing, our hearing, or our imagining; and we cannot cross that threshold to be with N, and all those whom we love, until our own time comes.

Eternal God, hear us as we remember and give thanks for N,
for everything she meant and continues to mean to us.
We praise you that for N all suffering and sorrow are ended,
death itself is past, and she lives for ever in your love and care.
As we stand on the boundary between life and death
we thank you for your precious gift of life, for giving N to be with us,
and for the journey we have shared with her on earth, 
which has now ended.

The Committal:
All matter originated in the burst of heat and light
which created our universe billions of years ago.
We are made of the same stuff as the stars, the planets,
and this earth itself, which we know in this life as our home.
And so, reverently, lovingly, and trustingly,
we return N's body to the elements,
which welcome us all at the time of our death,
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, star-dust to star-dust;
and we commit her being to all that is eternal.
     God who gives us life, and in whose arms we die,
     we entrust N to your safe keeping.
Receive N as one of your own, and may she rest,
free from illusion, pain or regret, for ever in your peace.

Parting Words:
Into the freedom of wind and sunshine:
     We let you go.
Into the dance of the stars and the planets:
     We let you go.
Into the wind’s breath and the hands of the star maker:
     We let you go.

Closing words and prayer:
May all that we loved about N continue to find expression
in the ways we love one another
and how we face whatever the future holds.
May we take inspiration from the glimmer of the divine
we see through the lives of others.
And therefore, from this moment on,
let us live our lives with a surer faith, a greater hope,
and a more steadfast love.
Lord of all being, support us by your grace
through all the hours of life’s day,
until the shadows lengthen, the busy world is hushed,
and the evening comes.
        Then, Lord, in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging,
a holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen.

Words of Blessing:
The peace of this ancient earth to you,
of the high blue heavens which embrace it,
and the winds which blow freely over it;
the peace of splintered light sparkling on leaves,
and gentle rain falling on dry earth;
the peace of star-jewelled skies and full-orbed moons,
of breathless dawns and splendid dying suns;
         and the peace of the God of Peace to you.

Ceremony of Farewell for a Pet

A Ceremony of Farewell for a Pet

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences,
woven together using my own words
and sometimes adapting the words others have used:
I am indebted to their wisdom.

Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
This ceremony of farewell is appropriate for use by any group of people,
or by any individual, saying good bye to a beloved pet animal who has died.
Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in large bold type.

Opening Words (from Ecclesiastes 3):
For everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die;
a time to mourn and a time to dance.

We meet here today because N has died and the life we shared with her has come to an end. This is a time of parting, loss, and sadness, but it can also be a time of thankfulness, as we remember N’s life and all she means to us and shared with us.
The sadness and pain that we feel is because N has crossed over the boundary between the life God gives us in this world and the new life beyond death, which lies beyond our seeing, our hearing, or our imagining; and we cannot cross that threshold to be with N, and all those whom we love, until our own time comes.
N put her trust in us to do what was best always, and we enjoyed her companionship every day, so let us celebrate all she shared with us.

A tribute is given

God of all creatures, hear us as we remember our beloved N, 
for everything she meant and will always mean to us.
We thank you for giving N to be with us,
and for all we have shared with her here.
We praise you that for N all pain is over, death itself is past,
and she lives for ever in your love and care.

The Committal:
Everything that ever existed and will ever exist originated in the
burst of heat and light which created our universe billions of years ago.
All creatures are made of the same stuff as the stars, the planets,
and this earth itself, which we know in this life as our home.
And so, reverently, lovingly, and trustingly,
we return N's body to the elements,
which welcome us all at the time of our death,
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, star-dust to star-dust;
and we commit her being to all that is eternal.

Parting Words:
Into the freedom of wind and sunshine:
     We let you go.
Into the dance of the stars and the planets:
     We let you go.
Into the wind’s breath and the hands of the star maker:
     We let you go.

Words of Blessing:
The peace of this ancient earth to you,
of the high blue heavens which embrace it,
and the winds which blow freely over it;
the peace of splintered light sparkling on leaves,
and gentle rain falling on dry earth;
the peace of star-jewelled skies, of full-orbed moons,
of breathless dawns and splendid dying suns;
and the peace of God, who creates us all and loves us all, to you.

Ceremony of Farewell to a Child

A Ceremony of Farewell to a Child

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used:
I am indebted to their wisdom.
Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
This ceremony of farewell is appropriate for use by any group of people,
or by any individual, saying good bye to a beloved child who has died.
Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in large bold type.

Music as we arrive:

Opening Words:
We meet here today because N has died and the little time we shared with her has come to an end. This is a time of parting and sadness, but it is also a time to give thanks for all that N means to us and shared with us, and to console one another in her loss. Death marks for all of us the boundary between the life God gives in this world and the new life beyond death. We stand here on that boundary, which N has stepped over, but we believe will be re-united with her, and with all our loved ones when our own time comes.

Creator God, Lord of life and death,
help us to find meaning in all life’s changing circumstances.
Embrace us in our uncertainties, and lift our hope,
as we ask for your blessing on our ceremony of thanksgiving for N,
and in our parting from her.
Our hearts are grieving, because N, whom we love, has died.
We remember before you those who lovingly
cared for N and ministered to her needs…
Give courage to all who mourn, especially…
Comfort them when their pain seems unrelenting,
and help us to offer support and solace,
and to know when to speak and when to be silent.
We give thanks for N’s life with us,
and for all whom we love who have passed from our sight.
Help us know that we remain united with them,
until at last we all come home to you.


There is a place prepared for little children,
           those we once lived for, those we deeply mourn,
           those who from play, from learning, and from laughter, cruelly were torn.
There is a place where hands which held ours tightly
now are released beyond all hurt and fear,
healed by that love which also feels our sorrow, tear after tear.
There is a place where all the lost potential
yields its full promise, finds its lost intent;
silenced no more, young voices echo freely as they were meant.
There is a place where God will hear our questions,
suffer our anger, share our speechless grief,
gently repair the innocence of loving and of belief.
Jesus, who bids us be like little children,
shields those our arms are yearning to embrace.
God will ensure that all are reunited.
There is a place.

Remembering with Thanksgiving:
Let us affirm and celebrate N’s brief journey with us through this life:

A tribute/tributes may be given

Whoever wishes to light a candle in thanksgiving for N's life
is invited to do so now.
As the candles are lit, let us gather our thoughts and feelings about her,
and silently say those words we wanted to say to her
but never had the chance.

Eternal God, hear us, as in our thoughts, and with these candles,
we give thanks for N, and for the time she was with us here on earth.
                 Thank you for giving N to us;
thank you for everything we were able to give her,
to receive from her, and to share with her.
We praise you that for N all suffering is ended, death itself is past,
and she lives for ever in your love and care.
Grant us bright memories of our beloved N,
keep the fires of our love for her alive,
and open our hearts, so that our love and our tears flow,
to bring healing and renewal.


Releasing in Hope:
All matter originated in the burst of heat and light
which created our universe billions of years ago.
We are made of the same stuff as the stars, the planets,
and this earth itself, which we know in this life as our home.
And so, in grief at N's death, but in gratitude for her life,
and for the privilege of sharing it with her,
we commit N's body to the elements from which we all came,
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, star-dust to star-dust;
and we commit her being to all that is eternal.

Silence is kept

God who gives us life, and in whose arms we die,
we entrust N to your safe keeping.
Help us to release N as she journeys beyond us,
in the faith that that nothing in all creation
can ever separate us from each other within your love.
Receive N as one of your own, and may she rest for ever in your peace.

Parting words:
Into the freedom of wind and sunshine:
     We let you go.
Into the dance of the stars and the planets:
     We let you go.
Into the wind’s breath and the hands of the star maker:
     We let you go.

Closing Words:
Eternal God, who unites as one the people on earth
and the company of your heavenly kingdom,
may we know and rejoice that we are within your community of saints,
         both the living and the dead.
         May we praise you with our lives, as the angels praise you in heaven.
         Cheer us with the hope of your eternal life,
         support us with the knowledge of your love,
         and bring us all home to you at last.
         And may the peace and the blessing of God
         be with us all, now and for evermore.

Music as we leave:

A Ceremony of Farewell

A Ceremony of Farewell

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used:
I am indebted to their wisdom.

Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
This ceremony of farewell is appropriate for use by any group of people,
or by any individual, saying good bye to a loved one who has died.
Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in
large bold type.

Music as we arrive:

Opening Words (from Ecclesiastes 3):
For everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die;
a time to mourn and a time to dance.

We meet here today because N has died and the life we shared with her has come to an end. This is a time of loss and sadness, but it can also be a time of thankfulness, as we remember N’s life and all she means to us and shared with us. Death does not bring to an end N’s influence, nor the love and respect in which she is held: these will continue to be powerful for as long as she is remembered. The sadness and pain that we feel is because N has crossed over the boundary between the life God gives us in this world and the new life beyond death, which lies beyond our seeing, our hearing, or our imagining; and we cannot cross that threshold to be with N, and all those whom we love, until our own time comes.

Creator God, Lord of life and death,
you renew our inner strength, you touch our imaginations,
you enable us to find meaning in all life’s changing circumstances.
Embrace us in our uncertainties, and lift our hope, as we ask for your blessing on our ceremony of thanksgiving and honouring the life of N.
Our hearts are grieving because N, whom we love, has died.
Her death reminds us that our lives are brief
and will one day come to an end.
We are thankful for those who cared for N
with wisdom, skill, love and patience;
and we ask that those who are sick or hurt may find healing,
those who are in distress be comforted,
and those who are grieving be given strength.
Give courage to all who mourn.
Comfort them when their pain seems unrelenting
and help us to offer support and comfort,
to know when to speak and when to be silent.
As we remember N with gratitude and celebrate her life,
we also give thanks to God for all whom we love
who have passed from our sight.
Grant us, gracious Lord, the sense that we remain united with them,
until at last we all come home to you.



Remembering with Thanksgiving:

Let us affirm and celebrate N’s journey through life, with all its realities:

A tribute/tributes may be given

Whoever wishes to light a candle in thanksgiving for N's life
is invited to do so now, and as we do so,
let us gather our thoughts and feelings about her,
and silently say those words we always wanted to say to her.

Silence is kept as candles are lit

To love someone is to risk the pain of parting,
and not to love is never to have lived:
     N, we honour your life, we accept your departure,
     and we cherish your memory.

Eternal God, hear us, as in our thoughts, and with these candles,
we remember and give thanks for N:
             Thank you for giving her to us,
             for everything she achieved during her life, by your grace,
             and for the (special characteristics e.g. warmth, tenderness, humour...)
               which she embodied.

We praise you that for N all suffering and sorrow are ended,
death itself is past, and she lives for ever in your love and care.

In the midst of sorrow we boldly affirm our faith
that there is nothing in all creation that can separate us from your love.

We praise you for your precious gift of life, for giving N to be with us,
and for the journey we have shared with her on earth.
      Help us to release N as she journeys on,
      confident that death is a crossing over
      into new and richer experiences of your love and grace.

Bring us bright memories of N, to keep the fires of love for her alive.
Open our hearts, to let our tears and our love flow,
bringing us healing and renewal;
and grant us strength as we remember the strengths and wisdoms of N,
who is embraced for ever in your love.
     While we live N will not be forgotten;
     in your eternal love, she will never be lost.
     May our memories of her enrich our lives;
     may the good things of her life leave a trace on earth,
     and may your keeping of her glorify your heaven. Amen.


Releasing in Hope:
All matter originated in the burst of heat and light
which created our galaxy billions of years ago.
We are made of the same stuff
as the stars, the planets, and this earth itself,
which we know in this life as our home.
And so, in grief at N's death, but in gratitude for her life,
and for the privilege of sharing it with her,
we commit N's body to the elements from which we all came,
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, star-dust to star-dust;
and we commit her being to all that is eternal.
     God who gives us life, and in whose arms we die,
     we entrust N to your safe keeping.
Receive N as one of your own, and may she rest,
free from illusion, pain or regret, for ever in your peace.

The Closing Words:
Eternal God, who unites as one the people on earth
and the company of your heavenly kingdom,
may we know and rejoice that we are within your community of saints,
         both the living and the dead.
             May we praise you with our lives,
             as the angels praise you in heaven.
             Cheer us with the hope of your eternal life,
             support us with the knowledge of your love,
             and bring us all home to you at last.
The peace and the blessing of God
be with you all, now and for evermore.

Music as we leave: