Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Ceremony Blessing for a New Home

A Ceremony of Blessing for a New Home

You will need a candle & matches to light it, a Bible (or another book of Scripture, according to the faith tradition of the new home owner), oil, incense (such as a joss stick)

Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
There may be one leader, or you can take it in turns around the circle of speak the biddings. Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in bold type.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them.

Opening Words:
Welcome to (address)!
Moving into a new home can be a wonderful event,
settling into a new place that will hold cherished memories,
a place that will be a sanctuary for many people,
a place for love, nurturing, friendship and growth.
N has chosen this place to be her home.
She has cleaned it, decorated it, and brought her possessions into it,
items which are part of both her past and her future here;
she has brought her dreams and her hopes,
her gifts, her energy, and her needs.
This ceremony will act as a bridge
between N’s previous life and her new one,
as we ask God to bless N’s new home and her life here.
First we welcome all of you, whom N has brought together.
You are signs of the generous hospitality that N and this new home offer.
Secondly we light this candle, (a candle is lit)
as a sign that God is present and welcome in this new home.
And thirdly, we open this Bible and hear N affirm her faith in God
through her reading of scripture:

Reading: Psalm 121 (or another reading chosen by N)

We give thanks to you, O God,
for you are the giver of life and the healer of wounds.
We give thanks to you, O God,
for in you is our hope and trust.
We give thanks to you, O God,
for your light abides with us, wherever we are.
We give thanks to you, O God,
for watching over this home
and all who dwell in it. Amen.

The Preparation of Oil and Incense:
May God bless the oil and the incense we use
to anoint and bless this new home:
May love, prosperity, peace, health and harmony
fill the spaces between wherever they touch.

The Procession of Blessing
during which the doors and windows of each room are anointed
and the area is censed:
Outside the main door:
     May whoever knocks at the door to this home
     be met with compassion, peace and graciousness…
Inside the main door:
     May all those enter through this door be welcome 
     as they come in and blessed as they depart,
     and may no harm cross this portal…
In the living room:
     May all who gather in this room 
     enjoy both conversation and quietness, 
     both giving and receiving, both work and recreation…
In each bedroom: 
     May all who rest in this room   
     be blessed with peaceful sleep 
     and a joyful awakening each day…
In each bathroom/lavatory:
     May all who use/wash in this room
     be refreshed and cleansed in their bodies and minds…
In the kitchen:
     May all who cook/eat in in this kitchen    
     delight in providing good food and drink for the body and the soul…
In the dining room:
     May all who eat in this room    
     delight in sharing good food and drink and company...

Returning to main door, N places a cross or another symbol over the lintel saying:
I place this ... above this door as a sign of God’s protection,
         and of the security and peace of my new home.

Prayer of Blessing:
May God bless this home,
all who live here, and all who visit here:
Peace be with this home and with all who live and visit here.
May its windows catch the sun, and its doors open wide
to beloved family, friends and strangers.
May each room resound with laughter,
the walls shut out troubles, and hold in warmth and cheer:
May this home be filled with joy in the morning
and sweet dreams in the night.
May this be a home where love has come to live:
May this home be filled with God’s love
and the love you share with one another.
May peace, harmony, and laughter
be yours in abundance as long as you live.
May you be granted fulfilment and joy.
May God watch over you, your friends and your family.
May this home and those who live here
provide care in times of sickness, rest in times of weariness,
comfort in times of grief, protection in times of anxiety,
and delight in times of joy.
May love and happiness fill this place
and may God be close to those who live in this home.
God, be their shelter when they are at home;
be their companion when they are away;
be their welcome guest when they return.
May God’s presence bless you and your home
until you reach your final home in heaven.

A song may now be sung, and a meal may be shared

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