Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Ceremony of Welcome & Naming (for a child)

A Ceremony of Welcome

The arrival of a child into a family is a cause for celebration. Many people experience a sense of awe at the creation of new life, and want to express their thanks to God. This ceremony provides an opportunity for parents, family, and friends, to give thanks for the new child, and to pray for family life. It may be a private or a public celebration, at home or elsewhere. It is not the same as Baptism (sometimes called Christening), which is the sacrament of initiation into membership of the Christian church.

You will need a Loving Cup of wine or juice for everyone to share, and a large candle and matches to light it. Please use common sense when lighting candles and ensure everyone's safety.

Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
There may be one leader, or you can take it in turns around the circle of speak the biddings. Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in large bold type.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them.

The Welcome:
We gather today to celebrate the arrival of a child,
to welcome her/him into our hearts and lives,
and formally to give her/him a name of her/his own.
The arrival of a child is a solemn and joyous event in the life of a family,
and an occasion for rejoicing in the community.
I bid you, therefore, to join (parents' names)
in giving thanks to the Lord of all life for this gift of a daughter/son,
(and with (names) for a new sister/brother),
and to support them in their responsibilities with prayer and love.
(Parents' names), do you receive this child as a gift from God?
We do.
Do you wish to give thanks and seek a blessing for your child?
We do.
Child, you open our hearts once again
to the mystery and wonder of love and life,
and your arrival is a blessing to us all.
We welcome you:
     Child, we welcome you with the greeting of love,
     with the greeting of light, with the greeting of life!

The Thanksgiving:
God our creator, we thank you for the mystery of human love,
and for the wonder of this new life, this child,
who has been given to (parents' names)
and who has become part of our world.
We thank you for all whose support and skill
surround and sustain the beginning of life.
We thank you that we are known to you by name,
and loved by you from all eternity.
     Lord of all life, we thank you
     for the blessing you bestow on this family, and on us all,
     in the gift of this child.

The Promises of the Parents and Guardians:
To be a parent is to love and nurture,
and to lead a child happily to fulfil her/his potential.
It is to guide her/him along life's path,
teaching her/him and learning from her/him,
reining her/him in, and giving her/him wings.
It is to smile at her/his joy and weep at her/his pain,
to walk beside her/him, and, one day,
to allow her/him to walk alone.
To be a parent is a great gift,
and the greatest responsibility we shall ever have.
     God of love, confirm this family's joy
     by a lively sense of your presence with them.
     Give them calm strength and quiet wisdom
     as they seek to bring this child to love all that is
     true and just, gracious, pure, and peaceful.

The parents say:
We offer our thanks for the gift of this child,
entrusted to our care.
We promise to bring her/him up to the best of our ability,
with patience, understanding, and laughter,
ready to guide, to learn, and to forgive.
We will delight in her/him every day,
sharing pleasures and pains,
times of fun and times of trial,
and we will always love her/him.

(Guardians' names), you stand beside (parents' names)
in caring for this child.
To be a child's guardian is to love and to nurture,
to show guidance and to counsel;
it is to help the child make choices
should s/he need assistance as s/he grows;
it is to be a second mother and father, and to be there when called upon.
Will you do all that you can to help and support
(parents' names) in the bringing up of this child?
The guardians say:
We promise that we will do all we can
to help in the good upbringing of this child.
Child, we welcome you into your family
and into our hearts.
Your parents love you, and we are glad
that they have given you the gift of life.
We thank them for sharing with us the joys,
the challenges, and the risks of parenthood.
We ask God to watch over you and us,
and we pray that you and your family
are blessed with love and light.

The Naming:
What name do you give this child?
(Parents:) Her/his name is (name).

Child, you are (name).
Bear your name with honour,
and become who you are, unique and precious.
May you bring joy into your family,
share a glad welcome with all those you meet,
and light up this world with love.
(Parents' names), receive this candle on behalf of (name)
as a sign of God's light in her/his life.
Light it on her/his birthday,
on the anniversary of this welcome ceremony,
and at times both of sorrow and of rejoicing.
(Name), may you always be healthy and happy;
may you have love in your heart, and light in your life,
and may you be a bright blessing to all who meet you.

Reading: Luke 18.15-17
The Blessing:
As the Jesus took children in his arms and blessed them,
so now we ask God's blessing on (name):
     God of love, of light, of life,
     we praise you for (name's) arrival among us.
     Surround her/him with your blessings,
     that s/he may learn to love all that is true,
     and grow in kindness and strength.
     Bless her/his parents and guardians,
     and give them grace to love and care for (name).
     Help them to provide for (name's) needs
     with wisdom and patience, good humour and faith,
     and, by their example, reveal to (name)
     the ways of truth and love.

The Honouring:
(Parents' names), as the loving cup is passed from hand to hand,
carry (name) around the circle of your family and friends,
so that everyone may greet your new child, saying,
before they take a sip from the cup:
      (Name), I welcome and honour you!

The Closing Words:
(Name), we have welcomed, named and honoured you,
offered our thanksgiving to God for your coming,
and asked for blessings upon you and your family.
Now we lift up your future to God's care:
     Into your hands, O God, we place this child, (name).
Support her/him today and always
in her/his sorrows and joys, and in her/his mistakes and successes.
     As s/he grows in age, may s/he grow also in grace.
(Name), may the sun bring you new energy by day:
     may the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain wash away your worries:
     may the breeze fill you with new strength.
May you walk gently through the world:
     and know its beauty all the days of your life. Amen!

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