Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Ceremony of Joining (Betrothal)

A Ceremony of Joining: The Betrothal of N&N

Set out a circle of chairs (one for each person attending) and four candles, on safe stands, at the four points of the compass outside the circle. You will also need matches (to light the candles), betrothal rings, a long piece of cord, ribbon or scar, small gifts for each person present, a broom and, if possible, a sword or knife, within a sheath for safety until it is used. Please use common sense and ensure everyone's safety when using matches, candles, and blades.

Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
There may be one leader, or you can take it in turns around the circle of speak the biddings. Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in bold type.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them.

Opening words: The Song of Songs 8.6-7
Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm;
for love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.
If one offered for love all the wealth of his house,
it would be utterly scorned.

The couple (N&N) now light candles and enter the circle of friends.

Song: (chosen by N1)

Reading/s: (chosen by N&N)

Song: (chosen by N2)

The exchange of vows and of rings:
N: I, N, come here of my own free will,
    in perfect love and perfect trust, to be betrothed this day to N.
N: I, N, come here of my own free will,
    in perfect love and perfect trust, to be betrothed this day to N.
N&N tog.: We ask that you will bear witness to the vows that we make this day.

All: We will bear witness to your vows.

N: We present ourselves before you today to ratify,
     in solemn and joyful manner, the espousal bespoken between us.
N: We have given serious, delighted, and prayerful deliberation
     to our pledge of wedlock, and in the time that intervenes
     we will prepare for our marriage.
N: I, N, promise that I will take thee N, as my wife,
    and love thee even as myself.
    I will keep faith and loyalty to thee, and so in thy necessities
    aid and comfort thee; which things, and all that man ought to do
    unto his espoused, I promise to do unto thee,
    and to keep by the faith that is in me;
    and thereto I plight thee my troth.
N: I, N, promise that I will take thee N, as my husband,
    and love thee even as myself.
    I will keep faith and loyalty to thee, and so in thy necessities
    aid and comfort thee; which things, and all that woman ought to do
    unto her espoused, I promise to do unto thee,
    and to keep by the faith that is in me; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

N & N exchange rings, saying to each other:
    With this ring I join my life to yours.

All: We bear witness to your solemn proposal
      and declare you betrothed!
      We will support you as you walk forward in your life together.
      May God bless your bodies and your souls,
      and may the hand of the Lord be upon you,
      to guard you all the days of your life, and keep you in peace.

N&N tog.: In Thee, O Lord, do we put our trust: Let us never be confounded. 

The Blessing and Binding of the Bann:
The Bann is a long piece of cord, ribbon, or scarf
N: This is the Bann, the cord of hand-fasting,
    which will bind us together with bonds of love.
    For such bonds to be strong, they need the support
    of love, of friendship and of God.
All: God of all faithfulness, bless N and N with sincerity
      and give them your grace.
      May they know that their love is your will and your delight.
      May the promises they have made govern the life they will lead.
      May your presence surround them, your peace encourage them,
      and your light strengthen and guide them. Amen.

N: We ask now that each of you give us your own support,
    letting it flow as loving  strength into the Bann as it is passed around the circle.
The Bann is passed around the circle.
N and N join their right hands, saying:
N: I give you my hand for our future marriage
N: and I give you mine

They now join their left hands, saying:
N: Take my hand as a symbol of my love
N: Take my hand as a symbol of my love
Two friends wrap the Bann loosely around the clasped hands
All: With this cord we bind you to the vows you have made
      and to each other.
      The binding is not tied, so neither is restricted by the other,
      and the binding is only enforced by both your wills.
N&N tog.: Heart to thee, soul to thee, body to thee,
                within the love of God, so mote it be.
All: May God smile upon this union and bless you with health and prosperity.   
      For remember, what one may not provide, the other may.
      So you are bound, in the light of the Lord, each to the other, 
      until the end of all your days.

The Ritual of the Broom & the Sword:
A friend now uses a broom to sweep around the betrothed couple, saying:
With this broom I symbolically sweep away
whatever in your past you no longer need to carry into your future together.
S/he then lays the broom down diagonally across the entrance to the circle.
A friend raises a sword into the air, and turns it in a complete circle, saying:
With this sword I symbolically carve an opening
for your entry into your future together.
S/he then lays the sword down diagonally across the broom.
With hands still clasped and bound together,
N&N step over the crossed broom and sword, saying:
There is no obstacle in our past, present or future
that we will not overcome so long as we are together.
N and N then walk around the outside of the circle of friends.
As they disentangle their hands from the Bann,
they give everyone a small token of friendship.
They then lead everyone out of the circle
to applause &/or to singing.

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