Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Ceremony of Parting (when someone is dying)

A Ceremony of Parting

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog
are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences,
woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used:
I am indebted to their wisdom.
Please note that the Rites of Passage liturgies are offered as templates,
and should be adapted as appropriate for your particular gathering.
This ceremony of prayer and anointing is appropriate for use by any group of people,
or by any individual, saying good bye to a loved one who is very close to death.
Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in large bold type.

Opening words (from Ecclesiastes 3):
For everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
     a time to be born and a time to die;
     a time to mourn and a time to dance…
That which is, already has been;
that which is to be, already is:
     and God seeks out what has gone by.

We meet here because the life we have shared with N is coming to an end,
and it is time to part from her for a while:
We stand today on the boundary of change
between the life God gives in this world
and the new life beyond death. 

N will soon step over that boundary into the life beyond,
and one day, when our time comes, we too will cross the threshold:  
     to be reunited with N and all our loved ones once again.

Creator God, Lord of life and death, you renew our inner strength,
you touch our imagination, and you enable us to find meaning
in all life’s changing circumstances.
     Embrace us in our uncertainties, and lift our hope,
     as we ask your blessing on our parting from N.
As we surround her with our love and prayers,
so surround us all with the comfort of your presence:
     Surround us with your peace which is beyond understanding.
We pray for N, whom we love, who now lives in a land of shadows
where the light of memory is dimmed, the familiar lies unknown,
and the beloved become as strangers.
     May those who care for her be granted  
     wisdom and skill, love and patience.

May those who are sick or hurt be healed:
May those who are in distress be comforted.
May those who are dying know peace:
May those who are grieving find strength.

And may whatever is broken in our lives be restored to wholeness:

The Anointing:
N, I anoint you with oil in the name of God who gives you life.
         By this blessing, and by God’s most tender mercy,
may you receive love, light, and release from suffering:    
     May God preserve you in all goodness
     and bring you to everlasting life.

The Release:

To love someone is to risk the pain of parting, 

and not to love is never to have lived.

N, we love and honour you;

we thank you for all you have shared with us

all you have enabled us to share with you,

and for the difference you have made to our lives.

We believe that, although we may lose sight of one another for a while,

we will meet again, where there is no more sadness, pain or death,

in the brightness of God’s eternity.

Silence is kept

Go forth, O soul, from this world:

     We release you into God’s care.

Return to God who created you:

     Return to God who loves you,

     and who welcomes you home.

God who gives us life, and in whose arms we die,

nothing in all creation can separate us from your love.

Hear us, as we entrust to you your beloved child N.

Accept her into your safe keeping,

hold her in the strong embrace of your love,

and grant her rest, free from illusion or pain or regret,

for ever in your peace.


Silence is kept

Eternal God, we thank you for giving N to be with us,

and for the journey we have shared with her on earth,

which has now ended.

We praise you that for N all suffering and sorrow are ended,

death itself is past, and she lives for ever in your love and care.

Comfort us in our grief, embrace us with your love,

and give us grace to let N go into her new life

where she shall no more be in need or pain;

and may we at last find life and peace and perfect joy

with N in your presence.


Parting words:

We are born of the death of stars,

and to star-dust our bodies return.

N, into the freedom of wind and sunshine:

     we let you go.

Into the dance of the stars and planets:

     we let you go.

Into the winds breath, and the hands of the star-maker:

     we let you go.

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